Saturday, July 4, 2009

Singapore So Far

  • Was drunk at the airport
  • Was drunk on the plane
  • I laughed so hard in 17 Again that I actually cried
  • I laughed so hard when a little girl had a coughing/barfing fit on the plane that I actually cried
  • Came close to crying when 17 Again finished, not cuz its sad but just because it was over.
  • Saw a girl wearing a shirt that said don't scare me I poop easily
  • Went to a hospital themed bar called The Clinic where you sit in wheelchairs and drink cocktails out of IV bags. My mum almost got us kicked out because she was rolling around in a wheelchair pretending to be retarded.
  • Had a dream I was in Gossip Girl, got really mad when my mum woke me up

I think that's pretty much it, I miss some of you guys...namely My Pet Monster.



Julian Cole said...

COD it has been 6 days and no updates?!?!? Did they finally shut down the internet in Perf.

Yeah, Right. said...

Sorry Julian, we have been busy crashing into tow trucks, waking up with our beds filled with popcorn, being in Singapore and not having the internet at 75% of COD's home abodes.