..I had a shower with a dude and I'm pretty sure he peed on me. I'm not sure why I was just thinking about this, but I don't think I'm mad about it. Does this mean I am secretly into golden showers? Maybe I am into all kinds of things that I donut even realise I am...
I dont think in the shower counts. If it happened out of the shower and you liked it, then you should start getting all experimental.
I remember once when my ex-girlfriend and I were cleansing in the shower, I smelt the odour of piss and asked her if she was 'doing a wee', to which she stated 'no... yes... how did you know?' and I told her 'BECAUSE YOU SMELL LIKE PISSSS'. That said, I am quite partial to some tinea kill, but that's only during 'me time'.
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