ive never been particularly gifted or smart when it comes too studying/school. except when i was much younger and my reading/spelling age was YEARS ahead of the rest, most probably because of my "photographic memory" and the fact that physically, i was so underdeveloped i probably sub consciously felt i had to make up for this fact by competing in the spelling bee or whatever.
in high school i firmly believed in the "cramming" technique, where by the night before exams i wrote out a key page of information over and over and over again until it stuck too my brain like paper too glue. it seemed to work pretty well except the other obstacle i had too overcome was my anal retentive - ocd like obsession with my handwritting which ment the first 20 minutes of exams were spent rewriting the title or my name because it "WASNT NEAT ENOUGH". also i get bored very easily, meaning the last 20 minutes of exams was usually spent writing "what i want for christmas" lists i was making too give too my parents. (i think its because one year they gave my sister and i swags, from then on we always doubted their ability to give presents)
the point is, im really great at procrastinating. and finding a way out of doing whatever im supposd to do, this generally happens with classes or subjects im "not that intoo" where as if i have a class that im like "fire of my loins" over im killing it with my dedication!!
im really great at finding ways too avoid doing shit that bores me. below are some techniques i use in my procrastination adventures...
1. attempting too cook food that i dont have all the ingredients too make. i always think "the recipe
says too add one cup of sour cream but i dont own this ingredient. it cant taste
that different right???" wrong. and you freakin know it. spend like half an hour making food that tastes like soggy butt loaf only too have too throw it away and eat migoreng.
2. cleaning. classic nina. the thing is noone notices yr procrastinating if yr doing something that benefits other ppl. so you decide too clean/mop/dust/bleach the kitchen/lounge/barfroom/dishes (gracey calls this a "henious clean" because ill usually throw out heaps of stuff too) this can go on for hours.. oh i need too clean my room too? oh the cuboards need to be rearranged? the cutlery draw is dirty? i should really reorganize my important documents?
3. making everyone you live with do whatever shitty thing its is to get away from the house and yr study commitments. usually this involves riding too a car park too do "siiiiicccckkk triiiccckkks" on our bikes. not really. but a girl can try. or riding too the bowls club late so you can drink goon and ride home and have one of thoose beautiful "im kind if drunk and sleepy" sleeps. the best.
4. reading. one weekend i red 2 novels in two days because i pretty much fore fitted sleeping. and socializing. sure, i had things too do, but laughing out loud and chainsmoking while reading about the perils of about henry chinawski while shivering under the tiny light of an outside lamp seemed WAY FUNNER than doing homework.
5. get an obsession. usually i will choose a tv show too get obsessed (eg. its always sunny) with because it can provide a distraction in many ways. first ofcourse the traditional watching of the tv show. but theres so many unexplored avenues! searching on youtube for interviews with the cast. google searching images of the most maz worthy cast member. watching any relevant films that have featured said actor. anything that inspired the show THE LIST IS ENDLESS.
6. taking long showers. one of my favourites. try too figure out everything youve got to do this week while yr showering and making yrself hygienically acceptable too the world. prolong yr time in the bathroom by brushing yr teeth twice, flossing then lying on the ground in yr towel while assuming the foetal position until you feel as dry as a bone.
7. get rowdy. sometimes while procrastinating i get so completely excited about getting my own way (ie. not having to do something i donut want too) i get hyper. actually running around the house jumping on my bed, loud music etc. so many happy moments . once my housemate actually on purposely burnt me with a cigarette while in one of my super moods, just too get me too stop moving/shut up/stop burning her.