Friday, September 16, 2011

Girls who think they look like Nicki Minaj

Girls I found on the internet who think they look like R'n'B(?)* star Nicki Minaj

*I'm assuming she is an R'n'B star, I have never actually heard any of her songs.


Vampires of Perth said...

correction: "girls who think they look like Nicki Minaj" or is that sentiment implied?

Jane Donut said...

That's the exact title of the blog?

Vampires of Perth said...

hhrrmm my brain interpreted the title as 'Girls who look like Nicki Minaj' misreading and misunderstanding things is a common mistake I make. It will be my downfall

Tahlia Isabel Palmer said...

r'n'b isn't really the right description...

youhateplanes said...

I think this post is great. I don't get why people don't get it.