there are times when i believe the sweaty days of summer are better spent at night, sinning and winning. (and wearing short shorts. ones where youre ass might cheekily say hello. but in the privacy of your own home.) but today was pretty lovely and seeing how i can barely smell/taste even if i am a perspiration morsel pre lubed for the sunny oven i cant even notice my pheromones and besides i could care less beacuse in approx 1 hr (maybe even sooner if i skip out of class early) i shall be strolling home. HOME i tell you! is it gay that i often stop and lay in hyde parks shady spots while smoking and listening too appropriate summer beats?? (it is as i often close my eyes and think about sandwiches or some shit)
is getting a facebook lame?
even if ive always said i wouldnt?
im moving nxt yr - possibly use that as the "reason"?
PS// how rad is that diamond light!
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