Britain's favorite Drag Queen Fergie impersonator is actually more feminine than the original. Funny how life works, hey?

I'm not wearing my glasses so I am going to assume her shirt says "Boner Killer".

I think Clare wears those shorts to spin class.

JINX your shirt has to buy you a coke.

OI BOB DYLAN Edie Sedgwick was a crazy cunt! Get out now!

"Okay you can take my picture but after I'm going to take you out for coffee then rape you"

She looks like a special edition Happy Meal toy made especially for Paris Fashion Week.

The company who made your shirt forgot the letters T-E T-E-R-M A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N. You should get a refund.

This guys lack of eyelashes make him look like he is wearing a pair of these:

I know it isn't his fault but it's giving me a stress headache.

I actually want to make love to this Nietzschean bird woman.

She reminds me of those moths that have spots on their wings to look like scary eyes

Except for instead of scaring off predators she's scaring off boners.

I don't think that Effie from Skins is a good role model for young potential sluts.

Taylor Swift Skank Chic: Coming to a Supre near you!

My vagina looks like that too! Nom nom nom lol!
Our Bikini Kill cover band should be called Boner Kill.
Except we should still do Tv Boyfriend, then all the other songs can be Bikini Kill.
But TV boyfriend is the opposite of Boner Kill, it is like the sexiest song in the world!!!
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