For a year and four months I have been out of the loop. I live all alonsies in the western suburbs. Everyone in my complex is old or asian. One time I saw some hot Spanish guys unloading a truck and I almost came I was so excited, but I haven't seen them since. They must have been removalists. Go figure. They were probably actually mexican.
So I intend to rent my shithole apartment out and move to bohemian mt lawley.
At the moment I hang out on my own watching Television (homg I found an ex-rental copy of Hamlet 2 for $5 the other day) and go out approx every second weekend. Occasionally I will go out on a week night and get so hammerhead shark that I will heckle some nice folk singers and then jump into a car full of people I don't know and make them take me to their party.
So anyway, I am wasting my youth. Back when I was on the share-house wagon I may have been living with a crack addict/prostitute who swindled me out of $250 dollars but I was having bulk fun AND my vagina didn't ache after three minutes on a bike.
And I hate Thomas/Loftus st. If I have to drive up that fucking street one more time I am going to run down a cyclist (they think they're so great).
Maybe I'll stop talking to my dishes like they are naughty children.
My life will be like Cougar Town without the weird arms and menopause.
6 years ago
come live under clares staircase (?)
clares room is gay, scented candles gay.
haha, you too little g. (gracey)
You're just jealous you don't have a jolly ranchers scented candle. I saw you sniff it when you came into my room (don't lie).
Gracey has no excuse.
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