i made a discovery a couple of weeks ago. a golden nugget of blow yr freakin mind information that im perplexed as too why i had never been aware of before.
allegedly there are two types of dudes and you got to be one of the other kind of thing. yr either all about the TITS, rack, boobies, breasts or you down for nothing but ASS, butt, booty, bum.
its seems logical really. i think the reason this thought had never really entered my dumb brain before is because i was genetically fucked over and posess neither one nor the other. is this humanly possible... you may ask. well too be honest i thought my ASS was the shining crown of glory, its soft and cute and i know for a fact i cant be a TITS grrrl because i just aint got nothing in that paddock. i claimed too be an ASS but my friends dismissed me. where do i fit in? am i a social outcast destined forever too be a freak? or are there other categorys i may possibly fall intoo like medium ass zero tit kewt bangs. are there possibly minority categorys like dudes who are really intoo swan like necks (have you ever considered being a neck model?) are legs there own individual category or are they apart of and included in ASS?
as a dude do you feel pressure too choose one over the other? i have heard TITS dudes are a bit left of centre, but ASS guys are usually the norm. what do you think?
you could maybe even ask gemmer about it, shes really good at giving advice you know axe_da_cod@hotmail.com
maybe shell have some salient advice for me. (probably not though, shes probably just going too tell me im "glothlicklolitabilly" a made up subculture she ridicules and i am repulsed by)
6 years ago
Can I get you pregnant Nina?
That was amazing.
Actually you probably fall into alot of catagories that you don't even know about.
Some guys like big titties and some like them on the smaller side.Same with the ass guys.
I'm more of a smaller tits and nice firm ass kinda guy myself so believe me there are plenty of guys/Gals who would like you just the way you are...
You're kinda weird dude
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