Wednesday, February 24, 2010


it was a leisurely walk in the park. only it wasnt leisurely it was FMLHOT and i wasnt in the park, i was walking next too it.
the heat, the heat, im a sweaty slab of meat. probably dehydrated but in good spirits noune the less. if you could see my aura it wouldve been red, the colour of love because im in love with centrelink and red, the colour of me exploring satans asshole, many fiery chasms too explore.
so yes, walking next too the park, up a hill, i think i was even listening too "running up that hill" by kate bush (how appropriate) but i dont run because i walk because im super casual like that.
i see a man up ahead, stepping out of his car, walking towards the park. i think "i wish i was actually going too the park! that would be fun! on a picnic!" but this man definetly wasnt going on a picnic. he looked PISSED. i saw his mouth contort so i took my headphones out.. "doyerhaveonedollarineedathapayphone" too which i replied "sorry i dont have no money, not one.." then he yelled "WHATEVER!!!!" and stormed off.
i kept laughing too myself, if i did have a dollar i surely would have purchased a cold beverage by now, and when you asked me for coin i wouldve gone ayoo agrum agro on yr jerk face.
YOU HAVE A CAR. MY TOTAL PERSONAL POSSESIONS ARE WORTH LIKE 300 DOLLARS. BEAT IT. i wanted too nail his ass. it reminds me of that bukowski novel "pulp" where he wants too nail everyones ass. except when he says it, its kind of erotic, and if i say it I MEAN BUSINESS.

apart from that ive had a lovely day. in my future i forsee many cold beverages, probably drunk from carved coconuts and probably ones you cant pronounce.

never leave, its true i really never have too leave because the government came through for me, soon i will have a dollar and im not giving it too anyone!! mine!! a million kisses!!!!

love always,

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