So what is exactly is a BFFASPOT? Well apart from being a really catchy acronym that I am sure Cosmo and Cleo will be beating down my door shortly in order to make it the new 'frienemy', it means a Best Friend For A Short Period Of Time.
I'm more predictable in my predilection for a certain type of girls as BFFASPOT's than in my very very predictable predilection for boyfriends (Helloooooooooo Tagger Drawl!). I like them attractive, crazy, fun, jealous, and ready to fuck me/my friends over at the drop of a vintage hat, after which I have to break up with them which is harder than breaking up with a BF. You can't cry with these girls. You can't divvy up the bars you frequent, cus there are only 3 bars in Perth. You can expect to become obsessed with the shitty things that they have done, which I guess isn't that unlike a romantic breakup. You can also expect to have the negative breakup feelings like "Why me? How do I attract these people? Is there something wrong with me? Am I in fact, doing it wrong?" but it's more than likely not you if you're the fuck-overee. Just remember that anyone that steals is a dickhead and 50% of girls are fucked in the brain.

- BFFASPOTs can be expected to last anywhere between 2 weeks to 3 months.
- Look out for the girl other than you that's shooting tequila upside down at 4am. She's a prospect.
- A+++ at the start, quickly dwindle when things start to go missing out of your room and your friends are being a bit weird because they've "heard things".
- Can often disappear with Devendrah Banhart to India aka Vic Park/obscurity
- I give them 2 stars for the shooting of tequila at 4am.

RELATE TO THIS WAY TOO MUCH. WHY DO I KEEP GOING BACK TO THEM? am i a sucker for punishment? what is wrong with me? does it make me as psycho as they are?
p.s i noticed your usage of my name, please dont hold it against me.
My name is your name is my name!
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