Because sometimes people say really funny things, without realising it!
"I’ve wanted to say this for a while… To anyone who thinks it’s cool to buy ouija boards and fuck around with witchcraft/spells, I strongly advise anyone not to do it if you don’t fully understand it or have no idea what you’re getting yourself into if you don’t do it correctly. This being a very secret hobby of mine since I was 12, looking around at people attempting to do witchcraft really makes me cringe. This isn’t a type of “trend” to screw around with. Take it from me and the ones who have been into this sort of stuff for 8 years. I have never felt the need to boast about liking this sort of thing, it’s not meant for that."
- Some 14 year-old-girl
"Though a few different tattoo ideas had always floated around my head, a heart was something that always remained. I wanted something simple for my first time so I could get used to the idea, so I went with the symbol that represents the way I conduct my life. The tattoo reminds me of my favourite quote from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, “wherever your heart is, there lies your treasure.” A friend also told me that a heart pointing away from you represents having an open heart, which I would like to think is very true of myself."
- Another 14 year-old-girl
"I thought I would take this opportunity to say I despise the term 'cool kids.' It implies a sense of negativity towards expression and individuality. Yeah we're into fashion, what the F is it to you? The way I see it is you can hardly stand up on your high horse wearing olive green crocs and a ratty old Telstra sports cap now can you?"
- Another 14 year-old-girl
I don't know why I live for this shit, but I just do. Other people are so WEIRD!
Love Clare xoxo
6 years ago
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