Tuesday, October 26, 2010



last week sometime i spent a couple of hours listening too clares django reinheardt "crazy rhythm" album (which is amazing btw) at home bymyself while constructing, what i feel, too be a glorious feat for (my) humanity/housemates.

the king of all forts:

it is hard too see from my inferior camera/photographic skills but this fort actually takes up the entirity of our lounge room.
many implements were used in the making of this, everything from crates, chairs, lounge sets too drawers, ladders and brooms.
i got very sweaty that day.

it is a great place too watch movies/take an impromptu nap/eat burgers in. i even put a little welcome mat (NICE HUH?)

so if your in the area, the fort will be up until i move outta wu-mansion (gracey/gemmer im looking at chu)

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