Jimmy touched up my tattoo. It's a knife and fork because I really like food, and eating it.

Jordan Kirkby hardly ever leaves my house; tries my patience. I need to play hundreds of games of Tetris to deal.

Brent, Jimmy and I ran a bookie at The Bird for the Melbourne Cup. After hyperventilating in the morning because of a dream I'd had in which a bikie had come in, put a $1 bet down on a horsie paying $5000, which promptly won causing me to have to marry the bikie to pay him out, it ended up being a rousing success and money was made by all. (Me and Jimmy Jack.)

This is my cat. Her name is Dash. She is sitting in a homemade mini golf course that my housemates made.

This is a giant tray of corndogs that I made for my frenz, including Benjamin Menzies. You guys should click the link on the side that has his name in it. He took most of these trendy photos.
These corndogs were made with a coarse polenta batter. The sausages were straight up frankfurts, and Mondo Di Carne BBQ sausages. Served with Dijon mustard, Rosella Tomato Sauce and a red cabbage and green apple perinaise coleslaw.
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