on friday night after finishing work at 12 i ran home, skulled some bourbon & coke and started the journey too amps. on my way some biff tried too convince me too get in his limo. NO.
amps was pretty rad even though francesco was trying too be mysterious and not play the song jacqui had requested. geeze!
after consuming a jug of beer and oscilating wildly too the last song it was time too head home.
upon arriving home i decided things were getting too hectic too handle and the only option was bread (bed)
wake up only too discover i had barfed on my favourite pillow.
okay so you guys are like "why the hell would you tell me that, youre rank and off chops!!" but too me nose bleeds and barfing are like a sign that you can truly deal. like things are chaotic but you live on. HK for life.
the next day i decided that my life long dream was too practice a dying art
EG: paper mache taxidermy
EG: lamp shade decorating
EG: stationary making
these crafts radiate!! greatness.
now im at work. i just went on break and sat outside for a garette. my work dardy was sitting erotticly close. i imagine him saying "whats on youre list" and im all "DFA and the smiths" and him being quietly impressed at my radically eclectic yet harmlessly cool taste.
sigh. i wish it was friday again..
pro cheddar, cheese does it better x.
6 years ago
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