sometimes somethings happen. sometimes some retarded things happen. that is mostly my exsistence. now, i shall elaborate.
1! the first time i ever swore.
heard boy at kindergarten using the f word. hadnt ever heard this word before so decided too intergrate it into my vocabulary by using it at home. got chased down driveway. punished by having mouth washed out with soap (very popular in the 90s)
2! the time i ruined my nose forevs.
playing a game of tag with my sister and cousin. my sister was "it". sprinting through driveway and avoid being tagged only too slip and smash face ontoo a pushmower. blade moved my nose out of place. nina stuck with quassimodo nose forever. boo.
3! the time it rained animals.
galloping through the pristine nz countryside on my horse. come too fencless bridge over shallow river. proceed with caution. horse spooks at clump of grass (scary!!) and plummets of bridge inprisoning my legs under him. i sit there soaking wet while he gets up and just stands next too me while i cry "WHAT THE DEUCE WERE YOU THINKING??!!"
4! the time i broke youre windows.
at a party in carine somewhere. not sure whoose it was, probs some randoms. anyway party is going smoothly. maccing with then crush against window in "sunroom". crush has some form of A.D.D and proceeds too push me intoo window without warning. goes in for 2nd mac, i push him back but fall through glass window instead. exit premises immediately in goon induced haze. i had no recollection of this incident until crush said "are you bleeding, are you all cut up?" the next day. he didnt tell me he had A.D.D i kind of worked that one out for myself. this became especially obvious when he was faced with questions unknown his only response would be 'cookies' or 'cats'
too be continued...........
6 years ago
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