DJ AM: knows about buildings, I guess. Good at pop culture, but so is everyone. Not that helpful, could cut from the team.

Gemmer: Good at recognising celebrities. Knows every actor ever. Is annoying to have on your team because of her vague hunches. If the question is "Where was Kahlua liquor created" her answer will be something along the lines of "I'm thinking black guys, islands, French accents, Yah Yah Coco Jumbo, you know?". Is she worth it? L'Oreal seems to think so, I'm not so sure.

Pelsy: Good at history and geography, but not THAT great. If I found someone better I'd axe him in an instant. He has really long legs, which is great for when you have those questions that you have to give to the announcer in under 20 seconds.

Me: Really good at recognising bird, tree and flower species. Good at science questions and writes down extra facts for bonus points (knowing atomic weights of most elements to two decimal places has finally come in handy). Has a nice rack, smells like beautiful exotic perfumes. Priceless.

(actual unretouched picture of me)
If anyone thinks they are better than Gemma, Pelsy or Andrew, plz send an email to and I will consider you for our (my) team. Please list your relevant degrees, past quiz scores, ideas for quiz team names with the word "quiz" used as a pun, bust size, eye colour etc. Let's live our dreams together.
Love Clare xoxo
I really want one of those Anna Nicole Smith shirts. I came up with the slogans and I don't even have one.
you forgot my great quiz name generating skills. they can never be replaced.
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