My 11 year old sister is a chronic sleep walker which is fucking hilarious.
The other night she poked her little head into my parents living room and said
"where's Chandler"
My mum being used to this kind of thing went along with it and said "he's gone home"
to which she replied "I hate him" and went back to bed.
In conclusion she watches too much TV.
I thought I had stopped sleep talking but Lucy Buchanan (aka 'Mitch') slept over the other night and said I was talking in my sleep about how she was a bitch or something.
Whatever, if you move to Cairns with yr borefriend yr a total bitch unless you agree to come home asap and bring yr dog.
6 years ago
Is she talking about Chandler from Friends, or some relative...
yeah chandler from friends, she lives for friends she relates her entire life to friends. when an ad came on for the last episode ever she cried so hard.
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