Friday, October 9, 2009


last night i saw my lovely friend igor, for the first time since he had just returned from a european wonderland. AKA. total tan, H&M wearing jerk.
anyhow, igor complained too me that he was, in fact, entering the "amber zone". this is a reference too his WAIT. in reality he is clearly in the "green zone" which means emanciatied (thats right, i coined that phrase) boy model, thin.
when i told him this, he complained (as he has in the past) that NO, NO, NO IM IN THE AMBER ZONE. ALERT! CAUTION!1111!!!1.
so i told him (as i have in the past) that he is incorrect and is actually in the "need to take a dump" zone.

really, i do give the most salient advice. less advice more vices!

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