a sibling shot. we all fucking love photos, RIGHT GUYS?!

frogs, very common everywhere in fiji. even hiding in between the boardwalk (cute!) or lurking outside yr hotel room (rebbit rebbit)

the locals, body building. probably all baby soft and shiny with baby oil.

a spot of reading. essie is obsessed with thoose crosswords. no joke she ALWAYS has like 2 of the books (not just when shes on holiday) i can help with horse related questions. "a female horse?" she asks"well if its young its a filly if its old its a mare." i reply "okay, thanks" she gushes

drinking was a prominent sport. i had never really tasted cocktails before because i dont really like sweet things (im heartless you see) but we went too the hard rock and i got an education, pinacolada, mojito, riders on the storm, purple haze, daquiri... needless too say i found out i dont like cocktails. (notice the napkin, this is because i am "spilly" just ask gemma)

essie corpsing. she was real proud when she found this neck rest and wore it around constantly, even when she wasnt resting her head, say if she was just walking somewhere. total prop.

coordination runs in our family!! not really. except this one time when i was playing lacrosse and this girl from the other team 'accidentaly' bet my ankle intoo oblivion, nina blood and guts on the floor running on pure adrenalin, hatred, revengence was really good at lacrosse after that.

HI ESSIES BUT! shes staring out too the ocean so thoughtfully, wow what a dreamboat.

we did a day trip and explored an island. (sail away)
THE END, a short photographic memoir compiled by nina marie elliott
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