Dear Gemmer
Can I axe you something?
Is it wrong to partake in sexual healing with a newly single girl in the bed she still shares with her ex man?
Note: man is not is bed at time of healing.
Dearest Reader,
I'm getting a lot (and by a lot I mean this is the second) emails from dudes who feel bad about their chosen lady being bad. Most girls are not dumbdumbs when it comes to dudes and know exactly what they are doing. We are also not like men, we have self control in this sexy area. If this girl is doing-the-do with you so soon after a break up it is her conscience that should be dealing with it, not yours. That's not to say she should feel guilty but if there are any guilty feelings had they should be had by her and not you.
On another point why is she still sharing a bed with her ex? That is a little weird and probably either means she is not done with him or can't afford to rent a new place, aka she is either playing you both or is poor. Poor people are gross.
But for cereal, do what you want dude NO BEEF, JUST BURGERS!
Love from Gemmer xoxo
To axe Gemmer a question email, I know all.
6 years ago
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