or you may do really erratic things that secretly you want too do anyway but in real life you donut have the balls too. example you decide yr going too quit yr job because you never want too go back but because you decide it at 1am on sunday yr thinking nows not the best time too let them know but yr like wait theyre assholes i never want too let them know so instead of telling them you turn off yr phone/ avoid the millions of missed calls from them and that theyre asking yr BFFL where you are and shes being all vague.
anyway its been two days now and ive really got too wo-man up and fax in my resignation.
but im having the best time thinking about what im going too do now and clare and i went too the beach with her dogs burger brain and mikey and i ate food at my parents house and things are going well so far!
i really hate having a phone though, every time it rings or the alarm goes off i feel anxious and id rather just throw it off a cliff.
the only certainty at this moment is sleep, and my house warming party and my life long commitment too chuck bass and im sorry everyone else but thats the way it is.

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