so i went too an interview on thursday and it was okay i guess as it was a group interview and thats good (i think)
group interviews mean more people and LESS INTIMATE and i donut feel so nervous and my hands donut get so clammy and i probably wont be like FREAKING OUT WHAT THE HECK?!
we kind of went through our general interests and hobbies and mine was all:
reading, writing, illustration, collecting breakables and longstitch
everyone elses was all:
helping others, volunteer work, extra ciricular activities, wank, wank, wank
the person interviewing me says "nina, what are breakables and longstitch?" i reply "breakables means things like ornaments and cut glass decanters, longstitch is a form of embroidery." interviwer "???....." nina "okay just thing about things that old people like and thats pretty much covers most things i like. i forgot too mention i enjoy scrabble too."
they think im funny. they think im from pluto.
they totally asked me back for a 2nd interview yeah!
my favourite part of the interview was at the end when the dudes all "does anyone have any questions?" thats totally the moment where everyones supposed too ask smart and educated questions but really i felt i knew enough, thanks. noone else had questions so i seized the moment and asked the question i had wanted too ask since i got in the office which was: who is that novelty sized cheque for and why? the glamour of seeing a real life HUGE cheque for $28,650.00 was enough too make anyone ask stupid questions. so the interviewer replys blah blah then asks me if i want too HAVE the cheque. at first i thought hell yeah! but then it dawned on me that some dork wearing a bowtie, walking through the slums of perth with a novelty size cheque for 30 grand is probably just asking for a beating. theyd be all "im going too fight the shit out of you!"
yrs sincerly,
6 years ago
1 comment:
I would DEFINETILY fight you.
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