You know what would be really useful? If there was a bus that went along Vincent St from Leederville to Mount Lawley. I mean, that would pretty much cover all the suburbs anyone would ever wanna visit right? The 6050, North Perth, Highgate, Leedy, gay, gay, gay. They should just do a circle route from the Bakery to Amplifier to Shape to the Scotsman to Keith and Lottie to Spectrum to some house party in the avenues of Inglewood.
Love Clare xoxo
P.S. - I'm not mean I'm just bored. Day in day out day in day out day in day out.
6 years ago
Watch out for Fuckingham Palace. We went location scouting on saturday and found some doozies, including a 4 story building in town completely burnt out but usable with bobcats and other machinery in it. Wanna go 'splorin this week? I miss yr guts. Casino School is hard. Also we are gonna go to the Jazz Cellar in 2 fridays. So return to that. YEAH!
that bus would really help me out in my day to day life... the circle route one. but it has to leave leederville and go up closer to the macdonalds i live near.
They were actually trying to get a CAT bus for the North perth area about a year ago, that would have done a similar route.
But the decided against it and gave old people taxi vouchers instead.
I still love transperth
this is PERFECT it could take me from home (preferrably from out the front of my house) too work in leederville and then on the way back have a cheeky beer at the rosemount or whatever. MAKE IT HAPPEN LEISA (you know the right ppl)
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