1. People you've been seeing for a month or two and then decide to start dating someone else without telling you. Yeah you're not "in a relationship" on Myspace/Facebook but like, get some fucking manners. I don't want to be second on the list to anybody, it's embarrassing and I would prefer to GTFO of there. Once I was "seeing" (bullshit term alert!) this dude who was actually secretly cheating on his girlfriend of two years with me PLUS was also being bf/gf with a cute 18 year old. He told me he had broken up with his gf and the 18 year old rumour was nada. Fast forward a year and he is still dating those two girls. NEWSFLASH: Dude is like 30, living with his parents, still plays in a gay band and works in retail. Can you say "anti-dardy"? I can. We've all been hurt before asswipe, it doesn't give you license to treat girls like shit because "you're in a bad place". You're not a good person, so donut pretend to be. U SUCK, NEXT ONE!
2. Shit bitches. Sometimes people decide to not like you for no reason. That's ok! What is so not ok is when they decide to be aggressive about it and get up in yr grill. My grill is MINE! Don't holler trash at me or my friends in bars cause it achieves nothing. Either shut your clam or get articulate about it and hand us a letter detailing all the reasons you hate us. To quote you guys, "YOU'RE A MOLE"!!! OMG!@!! LET'S GET SHOOTERS!!"
3. People who get drunk and then use that as an excuse for a million shit things they do/say I borrowed that from NME. It's really true.
4. Dudes who start having sex with you while you're asleep even though you said NO! a billion times the night before. . Why would you wanna have sex with someone who obviously doesn't want to have sex with you? Gross. You are gross. GTFO grossie, you make me puke.
5. Soul ruiners. Originally you were really really nice to soul-ruiners, you maybe kissed them AND meant it, but then they decide to fucking destroy you for no reason. No matter how much you try to be selfless and caring and honest, it's never enough to make them show you the same amount of respect. Soul ruiners waste your time AND feelings and that's why they are the worst. They will cause you feelings of self-doubt Kasey Chambers "AM I NOT PRETTY ENOUGH?" style for life. Every time you see a soul-ruiner you want to go home and watch anime. Every time you see a soul-ruiner you want to move countries. Go away soul-ruiners.
#1 to #5 sometimes seem to collect all in the same place. This is when you tell your friends that the bar is having an "asshole convention" and you go somewhere else. Lately there seems to be a lot of these conventions and a lot of haterade flying around. Rent in Girrawheen is also pretty cheap.
Love Clare xoxo

1 comment:
Nah, I just made fun of him on the internet. His girlfriends should totally dump him.
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