Tuesday, July 8, 2008


This is a photo of two of my sisters. I have MS painted over one of their faces cus she is in rehab at the moment, and you know, Narcotics Anonymous and all that jazz. Boys, the one on the right is a lesbian. Girls, she's taken.
Anyhow, this post is about my sister on the left. She is what is universally described as a "hard cunt". I have seen her beat up guys, beat up girls, and beat up inanimate objects. She's been to jail, and yes, she occasionally smokes white ox.I've seen her fight my Dad and win. I didn't think that was supposed to happen.
She told me this story while she was out on a day pass from rehab yesterday and her and my other sister picked me up from hospital. There is this big, fat, Samoan dude in rehab with her who is what is known as a "creep". Apparantly he calls her a slut and is always looking at the girls and shit, and other generally greasy, gross behaviour. The rehab had a basketball match, and when the Samoan dude had the ball, my sister ran at him as fast as she possibly can, with as much force as she could muster. He flew a couple of metres, and had to go to hospital with a torn ligament. She didn't get into trouble because it was a basketball game. He now leaves her alone.
What a tough bitch!

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