LeToyas and LaTavias
There are always going to be shit bitches in the world that you have had to cut loose at one point in your days travelling down the highway reaching checkpoints of self titled debut, to sophomore breakthough and eventual solo world domination. This isn't gender specific, and there are nights when it is like they are all having a convention at the party/bar/club/late night chinese restaurant that you are at. It's alright, girlfriend. You got your Beyonces wit' you, and odds are you got your Jay-Z's too. Throw a dirty look or two, or if you really want to get up in grill-land, a well-placed and timed "DIRTY WHORE" can bring their bravado crumbling down like an outfit not sewn by Momma Knowles. If you are drank you are allowed to throw glasses as a last resort but it is important to have your Beyonces around you when you do this, so they can difuse the situation while you sit on the likely very dirty ground giggling. Which brings me to the next rule.

Taking Care of Drank Beyonces/Sipping on the Sizzurp
If yo gal is d-r-a-n-k, there are a few things you need to remember. Btw, this is not "mommy's had a few too many cocktails and is now dancing" drank, this is serious drank. If she is tipsy, she can take care of herself, she don't need a mom, she usually got one of her own. I'm talking boobs out of dress, falling over and hitting head on the corner of speakers/bars, about to go home with a guy with one of those gay heartagram tattoos drank. (First rule: don't let her do any of those, and if she has, keep it secret forevs.) If she's about to get into a fight, take her away from it and get her straight up to the bathroom. This will distract her and make her forget all about the fight. Drunk Beyonces LOVE the bathroom for a few reasons like a) it's more often than not the one place where your other Beyonces can hear your drunken ramblings properly as it's quieter, b) MAC Red Lipstick touch-ups c) pissing (duh) and d) bathroom graffiti. If Beyonce is about to hookup with an unsavoury looking Jay-Z, get her to bathroom also, so you can get the full story and see whether your posse needs to unleash a group intervention, or wholeheartedly congratulate her and you can both sing the "Bitch Gonna Get Banged" song at ear-piercing level. If she's drank and won't quit draining her pints/goon/sizzurp/refreshing beverages like there's no tomorrow, a handy "Can I have a sip?" is generally the best option.
Beyonces love Jay-Zs, it's a well known fact, but searching for a make-out Jay-Z is fraught with danger, spesh if you have been sizzurping quite hard, or it is kinda late at Amps/Club Bay View/Scotsman. Shape doesn't count for make-outs for some reason, in fact I am racking my brain pretty darn hard here and I think that I haven't even made out once there (even though I think I have been there almost every weekend since it opened! Fuck. Either I am off my game (impossible) or I am having too much fun with my Beyonces (possible) or almost urr guy there is gross and in the just, well, dudes category or in my friends zone. (I think we have a winner)
Anyhow. If girlfriend is playing tonsil hockey with a clear no-go zone, wait until she gets up for some air and then drag her to the bathroom. You should already know the reasons for this one. If group intervention fails and girl goes home with said no-go zone, a gentle ribbing for the next few days is all that is allowed. Also, DON'T TELL UNLESS THE BEYONCE IN QUESTION HAS EXPRESSLY SAID YOU ALLOWED TO. This is mega important. Oh, and this whole paragraph does not count if the no-go zone was a recent ex boyfriend. You are not allowed to say anything if that happens because the Beyonce is ushe a) already kicking herself and does not need you to as well or b) might be getting back with him, in which case, you are the douche that just ragged all over her boyfriend. Shut yo trap until she comes to talk to you.
Also if yo gal has made out/banged a Jay-Z that you might be hovering around, you need to get their permission first! AND, if you know for a fact that your girl likes a dude, he is OFF LIMITS. He is not a Jay-Z anymore, he is a classic Weezy.
As for the friends Jay-Z's, there is nothing in their pickup arsenal more powerful than their Beyonces, and it is your duty to help them. All the dranks in the world cannot compete with a well placed "OMG! I've never seen him like this! He totally likes you!". (P.S. You should do that in the bathroom.)
Some other general rules of going out: cardboard boxes are heaps of fun to play with on stages and behind decks, props are always good, it helps when your friends own/run a bar, Mick Zing is awesome to get drank with and dancing is rad.
Love, Gracey.
1 comment:
Holy good gravy Gracey. You know how I started writing this same blog but never posted it?
We are actually the same person. I talked about LaToyas and LaTavias NO SHIT, taking care of a drank Beyonce and about how cute Jay Zs were. Fuck. This is blowing my mind.
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