Last year, in fact, almost exactly 1 year ago, Joshy got a spa. A lot of stuff happened. I managed to get fired from a union after calling in sick FROM the spa at 8 in the morning, 3 mornings in a row, Joshy basically had sex with Perth, and they had the Police and Firemen over at different times. Firemen cus we made homemade napalm out of styrofoam and petrol and then wrote the word "hot" in the lane out the back of his house, and the Police for several noise complaints, once twice in the same night because the projected 70's porn BOW CHICKA BOW BOW was too loud. I took a lot of rully great photos during this time, but they all on Chris Jones computer, so I'll post them later.
THE CRUX OF THIS POST HOWEVER, is Joshy has agreed to do this all over again if a Facebook group reaches 200 people. I think maybe a whole month of spa is kind of going overboard, cus, well, I think I really did almost die last winter from it. But 2 weeks seems pretty good yeah?
Roll up, join up, http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=38313171712
1 comment:
Josh may hire a spa... but it is not to enter 4 janet st!!! I value my sanity and believe there may end up with more unfortuneate cases of claremont bitches and me yelling at josh about them looking 12! ooops
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