sunday 12:23 pm
listening too: DFA1979
mood: doctor help im feeling much like a mirror, reflective!!
if we dnt have a house by nxt w.e i an nt going out, im going to spend evevy minute on the net getn footloose on their faces. i cont just keep eating 5 high bacoo burgers and pretendcng its "okay" i miss you!
this is a text msg i sent too miss dewhurst last night in the depths of bourbon cola raging times. i was thinking that 6-8 weeks ago i started working mon-thu so that i could pursue my 'artistic endeavours' eg. illustration on the weekends.. but all i have actually done is spend an insane amount of money on getting off chops.
ive also spent much time under the shape hand dryer, soakin up the heat and much time at amps wishing they would play "girlfriend in a coma." but knowing that, deep within my heart they probably never would.
ive become a regular at fast eddys and i know all about getting mc america'd (thoose were the days)
ive seen alot. people wearing masks, people barfing on trees, people injuring themselves - and thats just my friends!
last night this dude told me "you look like the angriest girl ive everr seen." too which i replied "i probably am, my only goal in life right now is too drank my drank and find money on the floor." i think i also shouted "IM A RIOT GRRRL!!" it was clear he had higher hopes for me, i really have so much more too offer the world than just that. he grabbed my hand and lookeds into my eyes "we have too listen too what elton says, lets not speak for a minute, lets. just. listen.." hold me closer tiny dancer was playing and his face kept getting closer too mine, i think he even closed his eyes. i ripped my hand back and said "wtf. NO. i will not listen too what elton says, it is clear you are rediculously drunk and i would appreciate it muchly if you removed youre face from my personal bubble." then i walked off. drank in hand, humour in heart.
you see the thing is - im actually sort of a nice girl. i dont do charity work or anything like that but i always remember too say please and thankyou and if youre my friend i promise too be a fuckwit so you have someone too laugh at.
its like frogs y'know - the poisonous ones are brightly coloured so the other dumb asses wont try too eat it. i was blessed with a neutral face that resembles something like "axe murderer" or so im told. because really i just talk way too much and id have too cull some friends or something if i didnt have angry neutral face too fend em off.
maybe this whole blog is just too justify too myself that even though some HK dude called me an angry bitch and liked it that im not really an angry bitch at all. on friday i couldnt recall arriving at billy lees and i said "gracey i actually cant remember, whatd we do?" she said "i brought you some pall malls and you spent the rest of the walk laughing hystericly."
yeah, thats me.
youres sincerly, nina marie elliott'
PS// last night gracey taught me all about 'yacht rock' fckn BAM!
6 years ago
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