this weekend one member of the c.o.d travels abroad. too mandurah. this treacherous journey requires a bus ride and one time consuming trainride AKA. no liscence.
whilst embarking on this un-adventure i decided it would be an excellent time too compose a list of helpful tips on the "art" of travelling.
tip #1. represent perth city, not perth shitty.
the weather of late has been pretty damn cold YET// still moments of glaring sun in youre eyes. pack accordingly eg. mittens and glasses. you probably dont need bumbags or visors unless you are deviating too a klaxons gig.
tip #2. enviro friendly bags are youre friend!
one of these at youre local supermarket will set you back around $4, if that. buy one and never look back. these babies will fit just about everything youll ever need in life. (alcohol too hide in alleyways, clothes so you dont get cold, books, calculators blah blah) and its nice too know that if you accidently spill shit on it/set it on fire/soil it you can easily go and purchase another.
tip #3. snacks.
when setting out on a journey that requires more than 3o minutes of being stationary i would suggest a light refreshment as a perfect way of keeping oneself in good spirits. since there are no refridgerator services avaliable on trains - yet i am still in need of some cheese flavoured fun im avoiding dairy and instead going for a le-snack and a packet of cheese&bacon balls. BAM! cheese fix covered. but take whatever you like, cashews, whatever.
tip #4. fun, entertainment and all that.
now that we have established general survival needs for the long haul youre probably also going too need some form of mental stimulation. i would strongly advise against sleeping - innnocent, sleeping people often become the victims of others rage and hate. i would suggest books, books are good. i chose some japanese manga. although i am yet too learn japanese the pictures are nice too look at and will ensure i am distracted enough that others wont try too engage in conversations with me or ask dumb questions. please dont give me this "if i read i feel sick" crap. that only happens when you look out the window while the vechile is moving. (PS. while youre reading you should be looking at the book, what school did you go to?) i like too make sure i have a constant supply of paper and pens. go on, impress youre friends. buy a moleskin!
happy travelling :)
6 years ago
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