summer is fast approaching and im sure yr all as keen as mustard for the season.
in new zealand we call thongs "jandals", is that weird?
i guess either way it dosent really matter as i hardly see it as appropriate footwear for anyone EVER. (reefwalkers are far more socially and age appropriate)
FYI: we also call bathers "togs". haha
anyway the other day darcy, gracey, james, joe were getting frisky just at the mention of the beach. OMG! SAND! LESS CLOTHES! WATER!!!!!
i did not want too go too the beach.
just. didnt. want. too. go...
in their eyes the fact i didnt want too go too the beach clearly ment i was A. demonicly ill B. mentally unstable C. both
they were all "sorry do you need some ALONE time"
like thats the only reason i wouldnt want too go too the beach. like one of my relatives mustve died and now i need some 'alone time' too deal. because obviously thats the ONLY reason i wouldnt want too go too the beach right? im unstable right?
NO. i retorted. i hate people and i hate the sun, why would i put myself in a location that has extreme amounts of both, why?
so there you have it. nina no like summer they may call me. but clearly for sane and justified reasons. the end (a short novel by nina marie elliott)
6 years ago
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