If you ever get to see Andrew Murray's baby pix, feat. bowl haircut and the sweaters his mom made him, you are one lucky guy.
I looked like this:

Feat. Bangs that mom cut, go up at the sides Danzig style, and my crush, Ross, in the background. He lived across the street from us in Louisiana, we totally had pet tadpoles in the creek near our house together (named Chip and Dale, if you were wondering).
Why do all moms insist on cutting their girl's hair like this? I had a retarded fringe from the moment I grew hair to the moment I grew out my bangs in Year 4. How hard is it to cut in a straight line? My mom's a total bitch.

Feat. grown out bangs, my best friends in year 4 who I don't talk to anymore because one day we all ran away from my parents' house and then we got banned from being friends.
Love Clare xoxoxo
p.s. - I predict the hot new thing this summer will not be getting drunk and breaking into apartment complexes' pools (soooo last summer) but inviting people over to your parents' inevitably air-conditioned house and looking through photo albums. fInGeRs cRoSSeD !!
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