Jack is not only our favourite fag, but also one of our favourites full stop. Zaw. One time this guy was really mean to Jack so as punishment I went up to the dude and told him all about my eczema, and wouldn't let him get away from the conversation. I was all, "...so then the rash spread ALL the way up my arms, wanna see?". He said no.
Why do we love Jack? Because he's a total dick but nice to us, it's such an honour. One time we were walking in the city to get pies together and he passes this gothed out 13 year old girl and goes "Ew. Boy or girl?". She goes "Pretty sure I'm a girl". He goes, "Gross" and didn't even really break his stride. She probably went home and stuffed her bra with tissues she mopped her tears with and Jack probably doesn't even remember.
One time Gemma played a really funny prank on Laura and Jack laughed so much he vomited. He also sends you lobbed out messages and sleeps on our couch and watches Video Hits with you when you're hungover. He loves Miley Cyrus, Mariah and Beyonce as much as we do. He hates tampons and we love them, but that's like the only thing we disagree on. Happy Homo Day Jack, we're so happy we met you!!!
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