Me, Gracey and Nina went to Club Bayview on Thursday. Gemma was gonna come too but then she put on her p-jams, what a little bitch. Anyway, I donut remember much but I was probably really funny and told heaps of good jokes. I kinda remembered getting into some sort of death stare fight with a girl, but I couldn't figure out how it started. Oh well. Nina told me about it a couple of days later, the girl had leant over to introduce herself to a dude sitting next to Nina and me. He was all "What do you do?" and she said "Well, I'm a singer-songwriter" and then I totally butted into their conversation by bursting into hearty lols. I would give my nuts to hear a Club Bayview singer songwriter. Like actually.
Love Clare xoxoxo
p.s - I found this girl from high school's myspace music page and I was gonna post some of her heartfelt lyrics but then I felt bad. They weren't cliche terrible, like about broken mirrors and mascara tear storms, but an even better sort of bad. Big words, like polysemy, and vaguely sentimental statements like "we are all expressions" repeated in different variations with no sense of rhythm or flow or meaning. The best. I wish I could write the whole monstrosity here but I might never be able to visit the western suburbs again. Gemma, you probably know who I'm talking about.
6 years ago
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