ive always had this kind of state of mind that my job is pretty okay (eg. money) but it kind of sucks cause i dont feel as if it reflects "who i am and what im about". last night i remembered the reason my job trumps others is because i get too work with some of the best human beings in exsistence. ie. most salient humans ever.
here is a person by person breakdown of the people i usually work with:
S: used too date this boy who was obsessed with the smiths so is always down with my smiths and morrissey induced puns. once i caught her doing this thing that i could only describe as an indian courtship dance which led K into indian mating ritual. i almost peed.
K: is like the voice in my head constantly correcting me on the way i dont put the pen back into the spot the pen belongs and he says when i use the word "urrybody" it makes me seem '14 times less smarter than i really am'. whenever someone orders a milkshake we break into song.. milkshake brings all the boys too the yard etc. and i bang on the mikshake maker with a spoon while he shimmies.
Y: is not originally from australia and whenever she makes a joke it is like the most bluntest, harshest junk ive ever heard. customers always want her too be their wife cause she wows them with her big smile and amazing coffee but shes already married so get in line! the other day she asked me what the word 'dardy' ment.
I: recently got old enough too join J and i at amps on fridays (heck yes). she is the dardyest grrl ever and customers always ask her for her facebook. i was like "whatd you say too youre sugar daddy over there?" shes like "derr i actually dont have one" we high 5'd. the other day i told her if i was in a fight with her i would bodyslam her, thus crushing her ribcage and induce vomiting cause shes obviously bulimic. then i was like wait i think id bounce back of youre chest!! she said shed eat heaps of cheese and proceed too barf on me. i said i love you. never leave!
J: called in sick for work the other night and later on i caught him lobbing out at amps. last night he told me "ive never seen anyone do the running man better than me" his best friend agreed. so did i. all of lifes problems are solved via dance offs according too J. he dosent get what the deal with airlines supplying peanuts is.
co workers, co people, co humans, co friends.
pro cheddar;
6 years ago
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