In case you haven't heard the news, Cam, Nina and I got evicted last week via a lengthy process that took magistrates, yelling, and us just leaving a lot of junk in the house including some TBP scratchies. We had this crazy bitch landlord that took us to court for "smashed glass in and around house after Thomas Dewhurst threw wild party and left soon after" and other various infractions. Nina and I searched for this glass, and when we asked Hellord to point it out for us, she blustered "I don't have time for this!@", went to her Mercedes and pulled out a court order.
In memory of the retardedness of Cowle St, I'm gonna do a post consisting of photos I can find on MySpack and Facebook. I rule.
In memory of the retardedness of Cowle St, I'm gonna do a post consisting of photos I can find on MySpack and Facebook. I rule.
For a while Josh had a moustache.

This is me getting lost in my satine.

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