BUT// i was thinking the other day that what success really means too me is, being able too perfectly describe and elaborate on things that i deem as being important and interesting.
an example of successfull descrpitions, a short list compiled by nina marie elliott:
nina does friendships; "JVG, shes my person you know? two bodies - one mind."
nina does crushes; "paul banks, a face like poetry. i kid you not."
nina does compliments; "youre sweating art, sneezing art. everything you expel is artfull."
an example of successfull elaborations:
nina does torches; "thats not an ordinary torch, thats a BAT TORCH! nana nana..."
nina does sweating; "he was sweating like a rapist."
nina does mcdonalds; "i ate a mcamerica, a bacon&egg mcmuffin, 2 hashbrowns and i gave my oj too my friend nathan cause he was lobbing out."
my latest success is naming the perfect food. the food that combines various cultural culinary influences and an array of condiments that blend together like sunshine and kittens.

thats right, im talking about mi goreng. or "the food of gods. and struggling youth". take one packet of this and add criminal amounts of cheese (i would recommend parmasen or a tasty cheddar, cost effective AND tasty) cracked pepper and soy sauce.
BINGO! you win at life.
PS// my sister had a really salient ellaboration last weekend. she said "yeah i had a good night out." i said "what did you do?" she said "cant really remember but i know i had a good night out cause i got kicked out of 3 clubs, one i hadnt even gone into yet and i spent heaps of money on ringtones."
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