Upon much discussion of intercourse and the sexy bases generally I discovered that Ronit (Rachael) believed womyn to have only two holes in her hoohah area, namely a hole for poo* and the occasional mysterious finger and a hole for blood, dicks and wee.
Upon this realisation my housemate Betty brought out a diagram of the vageeni and told her that girls have three holes and (amazingly) we do not wee from the same hole we get boned in.
Rachael up until now would actually take her tampon out to pee so it wouldn't get soaked.
This has made me worried. If a 20 year old girl is oblivious to her third hole then how confused must dudes be? Do they think that we might pee on their johnson while they are boning us? Are they ignorantly munching on the urethra while going down?
Ladies and (especially) gents THIS is a vagina.
And this is professor vagina.
(hopefully you won't have to worry about this one).
*girls don't poo (this is a wild myth).
ive also met another girl who thought the same. i bet the moment rachael found out she could pee with a tampon in was the moment her life changed forever. and i bet she cant wait to get her period to try it out.
Its more like we thought it was all in the vag. I know i have a urethra I just didnt know where that and my vagine met. But fuck i cant explain it. I have wasted so many tampons.
The link to perf kids in the top right hand corner is not pointing to the right thing. Fix it. I hate semi-functional links. At least broken links are broken and shit, but your link is just drunk.
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