It really sucks to realise that everything sucks. How shitty is everyone? Right now I feel like the majority of people I know are kinda like the kids who work in The Basement in Myer. Yeah they're wearing skinny leg jeans and Vans Authentics and listen to Minor Threat but they are actually just as retarded and boring and vapid as a fake tan shit bitch wearing a glitter Ed Hardy trucker's hat.
So yeah everyone listens to cool records and goes to cool shows and rides cool bikes and drinks cool longnex. Do you think that makes us better than the norms? OMG like no. It's not about fucking up the status quo and sticking it to the man anymore, the social politics of this scene are no different to the g-damned 1920s. The way to get respect is to be as unabrasive as possible, i.e. no to yelling when you're drunk, no to frivolous fucking and yes to sucking up to dudes in the most successful bands. Dudes are allowed to yell sometimes because they are hell ruthless!!, but girls are not because they are just drunk sluts. We are just butt-boring conservatism in better clothes. We may as well all own houses in Ellenbrook. We all hate Aboriginals just like a Harry in a Mazda 3. We all fucking worship dick just like Hilarys and Sarahs at Perth College.
(p.s. - I totally realise some people are really O.K. and not like this at all but I'm bored of everyone else)
It seems like there are like 10 people in every little offshoot of this "disenfranchised youth" empire that are recognised as being where its at (for having tha best clothes and CDs), and everyone's lives revolve around trying to get as bromantic with the kInGs as possible. We're all like totally above that high school bullshit but we are basically at the school cafeteria every dumb day.
And it's an old gem, but it's totes worth mentioning. In the words of Christina "Xtina" Aguilera:
"If you look back in history
Its a common double standard of society
The guy gets all the glory the more he can score
While the girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore"
(p.s. - the video for that film clip is BOSSTRONIC OUTTA THIS GALAXY!! Not sarcastic.)
How much do you all actually at heart hate girls who sleep around? No really think about it, you do. It's a girl's quick path to the bottom of the social ladder. It's not like slutty dudes are worshipped but everyone's pretty whatever about it. FUCK THIS SHIT, GIRL SLUTS FOR LIFE. OK it's not like I'm hell into skankiness but having sex is like a non-event sometimes. Sometimes you go out to a club, come home and fall asleep with a cheeseburger in your hand. Sometimes you go out and fall asleep with a stranger in your vagina. The next morning you think "Oh, I had a burger last night. Whatever." or "Oh, I had sex last night. Whatever." It's the same thing. Sometimes you just wanna bone a cutie and you do, and there's nothing wrong with that. Also, sometimes you have sex with someone you real like and it's nice and way better and more important than a cheeseburger. I don't think anyone remembers the sexual revolution anymore, apart from grass hippies but they can't get laid anyway.
O.K. so now everyone should start being WAY more exciting and call out your friends on their bullshit and high five people who are really funny/nice/mean/clever/cute/obnoxious/honest and fuck social standing and every day will be hilarious. I wanna actually be disenfranchised and pissed off at the world because it really does blow sometimes. No one cares about anything. Fuck my face and dump the load in my mouth.
Love Clare xoxoxo
6 years ago
Whenever i start to get pissed off about how perth kids can be so blind to their own transparencies, i like to think about where these so called "kInGs" and their "bromances" will be in ten years time. Its guaranteed to cheer me up!
Right now they are all about being party people and cultivating eccentricities... but soon enough they will be in their 30's, working in customer service and/or in rehab.... Or sitting in their sharehouses doing nangs.
Now i don't have that desire to point out to "those" kids how pathetic they are. Instead, I just laugh and pity them. Its a damn good feeling.
ive seen these kind of people at the other end of the pipe. shit will come unstuck for them and they will spend their time trying to tell each other that those were the golden days and that they were "heaps sick".
in all truth however they are massive failures as people and human beings in general. throw things at these people and knock them off their perches. they dont deserve to be on one.
insecurities galore pretty much describes the people you are referring to. dont hate, just pitty.
I love you clare
i agree with chineseboy. all you can do is stand back and laugh a bit, and be secure in the knowledge that you can/will/are doing better.
Did everyone just read the same blog as I did?
I'm serious, it seems like you all just missed the point
ah yes, the sudden realisation that whatever you and your friends think is cool is just as vapid and bullshit as everything you hate.
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