Sunday, March 22, 2009

spoke too soon

i ended up back at the hospital for 3 days! catastrophe of the kidney, kidney kerplunk, kidney kerput!
i was the only person in my ward able too walk without assistance...
the coolest thing that happened in my little horror-day stay was: 
1# i saw this elite gang of wheelchairs appropriately named "the RAD 12" because there were 12 of them. and they were for radiology. i wish i couldve taken a picture and given it too the rad lads.
2# i had a kidney biopsy and i saw what they took out and it was like little specimens from the innner depths of my kidney and it sounded scary but it wasnt actually.
3# i got moved from a single room too a ward and the HOTTEST dude ever was wheeling my bed. he was all "apologetic" and i was all "face like poetry, shut up and drive"

anyway, im home again (woo!)

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