Dearest Gemma,
I'm in some desperate need of some advice. I've recently discovered that a girl I am interested in also has an interest in me. One night at a party she and I got absolutely smashed, we were talking and well, one thing led to another and she ended up giving me a blow job. Now this (apart from being a mind blowing experience) has left me feeling a little guilty on three things; 1. She currently has a boyfriend whom I think she still has invested feelings in, 2. I know the guy whom she is currently dating and he is generally a nice guy and I feel terrible about what I've done, I really don't want to be the one who destroys their relationship (I feel like its too late now) and 3. About 10 minutes after she gave me a blow job I saw her kissing her bf. Any advice you have would help. Thanks.
Dear King of the Gobbies,
My advice to you depends on whether you actually like this girl and want to take her on a dinner date or if you just want to absolved of guilt.
If you are looking for absolution then I will pretty much give it to you. You aren't PALS with her boyfriend and she decided to cheat on him with you. It also seems to me that if she ran back to him with gobbie mouth and kissed him then I don't think she is going to tell him. So he's a nice guy, it isn't your job to make sure his girlfriend doesn't hand out free BJs. I'm not a boy (really) so I can't know for sure but my guess is turning down a beej from a girl that you actually like would be dang near impossible, you aren't Gandhi.
Now here's my advice for if you like her, Do you really want to be with a lady who can cheat and then act like nothing happened? Chances are she'd do it to you, you'll spend your whole relationship analysing her spit every time you make out for that salty taste.
But if you really do like her then possibly you should go for it because I'm assuming you are young and you don't want to regret anything. As someone who has royally fucked up multiple times I can safely say that regret is one of the worst feelings in the world along with jealousy and being forced to listen to Linkin Park(sp?) at your dumb job.
6 years ago
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