i was just preparing some resumes for potential employers, painsatkingly handwritten a cover letter then the photocopier starts too run out of ink, then the stapler stabs my finger and i BLEED ON MY RESUME.
i swear too god these things only happen too me, like the time i got toothpaste in my eye.
or yesterday when i fell down gemma jugaloos stairs because i simply "had too see the chair shaped like a hand, look hand on butt!"
yrs retardedly,
6 years ago
I have been reading your blogs, and they have potential to attract a semi-intelligent audience but your grammar and language use is appauling!
Here's a tip
you could atleast use the right to/too.
Ok I'll show you, it's not that hard:
The boy went TO the shop, his sister went TOO.
I swear TO God.
Jamie likes apples TOO.
You need TO learn TO use the right TO/TOO
everyone else will probably agree with me TOO
Got it?
Now try it.
Yours sincerely
A potential fan
Dear Paula,
I am Nina's brayne and she knows she uses the wrong to/too but continues to do so because she's an artist. She ain't gonna try it.
p.s. - be a fan anyway!!
Speaking of "appauling", your spelling is what is truly appalling, Paula. And if it was a pun on your name, that is even worse!
Leave the kids alone!
I love you Miglet, be my long distance grrrlfriend!
Love you kids, too.
You make my dreary days tolerable with your witticisms, stark analyses of being a rad chick, and quite frankly, very good advice.
Keep up the good work!
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