later on in life he will pioneer the zip seal pouch, keeping yr tobacco fresher for longer.
oh and i once had too give him my beverage in mcdonalds cause he was lobbing out. too much.

shes really, really funny. in primary school she was one of a few people who understood my need too capture amphibians so i could keep them as pets.

we once went too what we thought was going too be a "totally banging party" but it turned out too be a maori hungi. needless too say this was a way better outcome, the food was schweet, the people were heaps friendly and everyone smoked and for once i didnt feel scared of my (nz) heritage coming out. also we used too bust out at the stanny in scarbrough. these days shes arting out at uni and i often come too the days her and her peers are being assesed, i like too pretend i go too uni sometimes (it seems heaps good!) she gave up smoking but i think shes even cooler for that and shell still sing jewel softly if i ask nicely and promise too be on my best behaviour.
BECKY MULLER (MILK WIELDING) i used too work at a florist in central park with miss rebecca. the first truly rad partys i ever attended were because of her. once she had her own party in subiaco where alot of ppl snorted dexies in her wardrobe. later on i too ended up in the wardrobe but for a different reason (duh) it was too talk puppeteering and comedy with (blank)

i asked her if i could eat some of her cheese and she said yes so i ran too the fridge removed the cheddar block and just bit straight intoo it. i was offering it around but noone was having a bar of it. her brother thought i was weird. she introduced me too such notable ppl as: wendy woo, sheree, claudia, jo jo jo, gracey, c.stack, aslan, bowser. she taught me the importance of opshops, longnecks, saying no, saying yes, air supply, manor, gin... shes pretty much the coolest girl youll ever meet (if yr lucky enough)
ANDREW SINCLAIR (THE BOY GIVING PIGGY BACK RIDES) if youve ever actually spent a considerable amount of time listening too me talk (or pretending too) this name would defiently ring a bell. i have high praise for his eclectic, amazing music knowledge/taste/talent.

i was kind of annoyed he didnt like metronomy but he introduced me too love is all so i cont complain. we first met when him and the rest of ONE!TWO!THREE! played at my house party. he seemed kind of quiet but we ended up doing "girlfriend in a coma" as a secret duet and that is where the story of our friendship began. i once helped him prepare for his birthday festivities by catching the longest busride ever too kalamunda. upon arrival we blasted sugar hill gang and began vaccuming, moving furniture etc. we all got really retarded and went too amps where we would partake in our friendly game of "armpit penetration" which is where you stab yr friend as hard as you humanly can in their armpit and then challenge them too a dance off.
THE END, a short list of really cool people. written with much love
PS// note that kalamunda spawns some really amazing peeps? (becky, andy, andys bestfriend sam)
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