Sometimes having your photo taken is really fun, like if you are at the zoo and you see tortoises having sex and you pose in front giving a double thumbs-up. Other times you will be at a party or something, probably dranking a jim beam longneck if you are a member of the C.O.D, and somebody wants a 'group shot'. I hate that. I just donut know what to do with my face. Smile? Look away? Pretend I don't know about the photo? In one photo I got so obviously confused I opted for a smirk/pout and I have been kicking myself ever since (that was 7 months ago).
Then I met Jo and I was introduced to the concept of "the photo ruiner". She is probably gonna think I am really creepy but I looked through photos of her on FBook and kinda died laughing. She has a really beautiful face:

What an inspiration! My other photofase option is to think up a 'bread and butter' pose like Rash Cough and throw that about town:

Or you know, I could just be a normal person and not overanalyse every single thing I do.
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